Making Room

Even when our plates are full, if we REALLY want something we make room for it. We slide something over, put something back, leave something out or just pile it right on top. Welcome to my new site aka my pile on top!

It’s been a joy to share life with my online community through social media and now I’m being obedient to the nudge to stretch further and reach even more people in a way that creates connection, empathy and encouragement.

I’ll be branching out in this space. It feels safe – a little more protected than social media – to open up about the stuff that’s happened, is happening or may happen. Yes, I realize this is just as public as the ole’ Facebook but if you’ve committed to the extra internet steps to land here my prayer is you are able to glean something for good from my words & care about the soul of a mama who is making room for something new.

He gives beauty for ashes. — Isaiah 61:3

2 thoughts on “Making Room

  1. So happy for you lady! Excited to see what The Lord has in store for you with this new outlet! You’re an inspiration and I look forward to following you along this journey.

    Thank you for your strength, passion, and commitment to helping others!

    Love you lady!


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